© Southeast Appraisal Resource Associates, Inc. 2015
Southeast Appraisal
International Fair Value
Accounting and Other Purposes
By email (__________)
Subject: _____________ (Note: Sample proposal based upon a
mineral processing operation.)
Dear __________,
We are pleased to present our recommendations for the
professional appraisal and valuation consulting services of
Southeast Appraisal Resource Associates, Inc. (“Southeast
It is our understanding that ________________ has purchased, as
of ___________, certain tangible and intangible assets of
Relating to this transaction, it is our understanding that
certain appraisal / valuation and fixed asset accounting
services may be required as follows:
For Financial Reporting to ascertain the Fair Value of the
inventory, real property, tangible personal property, and
intangible assets for the requisite purchase price
allocation. Further, componentization will be completed
in accordance with International Accounting Standard 16,
Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment (“IAS 16”).
Not included in the valuation will be the ________, which
may be valued by others or the acquirer and/or seller.
For United States Federal Income Tax Reporting, to
ascertain the Fair Market Value in Continued Use (of the
assets appraised for financial reporting purposes) for
possible reporting in accordance with applicable Internal
Revenue Service code sections.
For United States Federal Income Tax Reporting, utilizing
cost segregation appraisal / valuation techniques to
identify and value shorter lived asset components to
optimize accelerated cost recovery.
For Fixed Asset Accounting, to prepare an appropriate
inventory of the subject assets for the above financial
reporting and income tax reporting purposes, as well as
insurance placement and property tax matters. The
subject assets will be tag identified, matching the
uploadable digital fixed asset record prepared utilizing
Microsoft Excel.
For Insurance Purposes, to ascertain the Insurance
Replacement Cost New or Insurable Value Depreciated of
the Buildings, Structures and Contents (non-inventory)
for the purpose of insurance placement. Further, such
information may be an element of “proof of loss”
documentation in the event of an insured event.
For Ad Valorem (Property) Taxation Purposes, to
restructure as appropriate the fixed asset record for
proper rendition filing separating the real property and
tangible personal property. This procedure may minimize
possible double taxation of certain assets as real
property as well as tangible personal property. Also, we
will “clean” the fixed asset record of no taxable value
and/or excludable assets. Further rendition preparation
may be warranted.
Describe here, usually from the internet of the subject or from
the entities management.
Tangible Assets
Relating to the tangible assets, we will appraise the real
property and the tangible personal property of the facility
located in ___________.
Within the overall classification of tangible assets, real
property includes land, land (site) improvements, and building
improvements. Tangible personal property includes cranes
and craneways, earth moving equipment, electronic data
processing equipment, general plant equipment, handling
equipment, laboratory equipment, major machinery and
equipment, office furniture, office machines, rolling stock,
software (purchased), special assets, and systems and utilities.
Intangible Assets
In accordance with accounting standards, the purchase price
must be allocated among various tangible and identifiable
intangible assets. The residual of the purchase price over and
above the sum of the identifiable assets is considered
goodwill. This allocation is to be done on a reporting unit
Intangible assets may include one or more of the following
categories: advantageous supplier relationships; assembled
workforce; covenants not-to-compete; customer lists;
developed software; proprietary technology; and trade names
and trademarks.
In addition, it is necessary to ascertain whether the purchase
price represents a “bargain purchase”, in the case that the
purchase price is less than the Fair Value of the collective
Definitions of value concepts, as well as other interrelated
value and depreciation concepts, are presented below.
Real Property
Fair Value (for financial reporting) is the price that would be
received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an
orderly transaction between marketplace participants at the
measurement date.
Fair Market Value in Continued Use (for federal income tax
reporting) is the most probable price that a property should
bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions
requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting
prudently and knowledgeably, and ssuming the price is not
affected by undue stimulus. With adequate economic support,
Depreciated Replacement Cost considering functional
obsolescence and physical depreciation represents Fair
Market Value in Continued Use.
Market Value (relating to land) is the most probable price
which a property should bring in a competitive and open
market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer
and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and
assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus.
Personal Property (Machinery and Equipment, Furniture and
Fixtures, Etc.)
Fair Value (for financial reporting) is the price that would be
received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an
orderly transaction between marketplace participants at the
measurement date.
Fair Market Value in Continued Use (for federal income tax
reporting) is an opinion, expressed in terms of money, at
which the property would change hands between a willing
buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion
to buy or to sell and both having reasonable knowledge of
relevant facts, as of a specific date. With adequate economic
support, Depreciated Replacement Cost considering